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Store Mosse Nationalpark
Store Mosse is a national park in the south of Sweden and is the largest marsh area in southern Sweden. It is so wast that when you enter it you get the same feeling as if you were on the sea or on top of a mountain. It feels endless. The marsh is covered with…
Poetry in motion
The poem that I animated was My Lies by Henry Parland. It was a lovely and fun project to work on.
A picture is worth a thousand words – how images can help language
I really love when I get to work with clients that are truly dedicated to their product and making sure that what they do will make the life of their customers easier and at the same time making the world a little bit better.
Historierummet – portraying the past
Historierummet is a podcast made by Swedish childrens radio, part of Swedish public service radio. It is a very popular podcast portraing the lifes of famous historical figures and the time they lived in. I started making the portraits as a cover image for the podcast already when I was working at the Childrens radio,…
Oxcytocin – prop making for every day dolls life
We need a toilet that a 14 cm doll can sit on and puke in. And we need a washing machine and a sink. All in scale 1:29. Some client requests are more unusual than others. At Backa theatre they made the pricewinning puppet show Oxcytocin. It is a story about the every day lives…
Going back in time and down in scale – building miniatures for Sofiero castle
Sofiero Castle In june 2024 it was finally the big opening of the new permanent exhibition at Sofiero castle. The castle is located by the sea in the south of Sweden. It is famous for it´s beautiful garden with thousands of rhododendrons flowering in spring and is really worth a visit. For the exhibition I…
Fylgja- Digging into the past
I am in the process of updating the computer game Fylgja so that it can live on a little longer. It is now 13 years since we released the game and I am happy to say that is still alive and in use. An update to the game has been like an archeological dig in…
Lifechanging animation – what I learned from making Odd socks
I decided to make an animated film. It is a silly story really. You can spend so much time thinking at what your opus magnum is going to look like. The film that is going to change the world. But at the end I just thought, to hell with it, I am going to make…