Poetry in motion

In 2021 The Swedish Academy published a book of poetry that was distributed to all of the six year old children in Sweden. It is a beautiful book, richly illustrated by some of Swedens best known illustrator.

As part of the project 10 poems were animated, produced by UR, Swedens educational public service company. The production company to organize the short films was The purpose studio, and I had the great luck of being part of this project. The Purpose Studio was great to work with and even though they managed 10 films in production at the same time with 10 different animators they did a splendid job.

My lies by Henry Parland

The poem that I animated was My Lies by Henry Parland. It was a lovely and fun project to work on. It was a very short turnaround so I had to keep it simple and sometimes resort to only blocking the movement. But I am happy with the result and the film was nominated for competition in Fredrikstad animation festival 2022.